Sometimes your home can’t be forever. There are many reasons why you may need to sell, the most common being due to death, debt, divorce, or needing to relocate. Unsure whether it’s the right time? Here are a few signs that it could be time to s ...

Sometimes your home can’t be forever. There are many reasons why you may need to sell, the most common being due to death, debt, divorce, or needing to relocate. Unsure whether it’s the right time? Here are a few signs that it could be time to sell your property.

Your Family is outgrowing your current home

One of the most obvious signs that it could be time to sell is if you’ve outgrown the space that you’re currently living in. For example, have you had or are you expecting a child? Maybe an extra bedroom is needed, or you want to move somewhere with a larger garden, so your new puppy has somewhere to stretch his legs.

You are ready to downsize

On the other hand, maybe it is time for you to downsize. Maybe your kids have grown up and moved out and you now require a house that is smaller and more manageable. Downsizing would mean less financial pressure due to lower mortgage costs and lower homeowner costs, so it is definitely desirable once your little ones are no longer so little!

You’re financially stable

Ensuring you are financially stable before deciding to move is essential. Make sure there are no debts to pay off and ensure you have the budget for the next home that you require. And don’t forget about additional costs that come with looking for a new home, such as valuation fees and surveyor costs.

You are emotionally ready to sell

Selling your home can be an emotional journey. It is important to ensure that you are prepared mentally to sell. If it’s the home you and your children have grown up in, it’s likely that you are quite emotionally attached to your home. And will you be able to deal with potential resistance from your children? You will also have to deal with the pressure of the selling process. This will include keeping the house viewing ready, as well as having to deal with feedback from potential buyers.

If you are thinking about selling your home and would like advice, we'd be happy to help.

You can contact our expert team here.